Epic Rant || Thoughts about Voting the First time in 2012

piccit_cult_of_ignorance_374686703.640x0In 2012 I voted for the first time. I have had ample time to think about it and I still feel as dirty as I did after the first time I had sex.

Something precious was taken from me that night: about $50 dollars if memory serves me correctly. As an undergraduate student $50 was hard to come by. Depending on the cost of cereal that week $50 could be 2-3 weeks worth of lunches. But that is besides the point.

But seriously, what I lost that  day when I entered that booth and stripped myself of my dignity in order to vote, was my ability to eat digest and process balderdash.

I don’t mean to get off on a fucking rant here but it’s not even an issue about using a fancier cup than those two women did (they are women now) anymore. I just cant eat the shit anymore. Let me back it upbefore you accuse me of coprophagia.

One of the core tenets of our democracy is that our elected officials represents our interests and lobby for our needs and benefits; but today I learned according to TIME Magazine that: “For the first time, more than half of congressional lawmakers are worth at least $1 million.” I wonder can a millionaire represent me? Can he fight for policies which go against the company who support his campaign? But that’s no fucking surprise right that the wealthy  are in government setting policies for themselves and there morally bankrupt corporate associates. All the signers of the Declaration of Independence were wealthy. To give you an example(taken from Chomsky’s The U.S. behaves nothing like a democracy)

Now the rabble has been a pretty terrifying sight ever since. Actually it was long before. It remained so a century after the British democratic revolution. The founders of the American republic had pretty much the same view about the rabble. So they determined that “power must be in the hands of the wealth of the nation, the more responsible set of men. Those who have sympathy for property owners and their rights”, and of course for slave owners at the time. In general, men who understand that a fundamental task of government is “to protect the minority of the opulent from the majority”. Those are quotes from James Madison, the main framer – this was in the Constitutional Convention,So they [The founders of the American republic] determined that “power must be in the hands of the wealth of the nation, the more responsible set of men. Those who have sympathy for property owners and their rights”, and of course for slave owners at the time. In general, men who understand that a fundamental task of government is “to protect the minority of the opulent from the majority”. 

330px-Stradano_Inferno_Canto_06The public has no idea what the government is doing for them, and to them. If not for Manning and Snowden, would we really know about the infringements on our rights? Furthermore the news media is  doing its best to keep our attention away from the World going to hell around us. And somehow in the midst of all of this we have the stones to send soldiers to pave the way for democracy into countries we have no understanding of. Not to mention no concrete reason for having reduced their society to the motley assortment of  dilapidated rubble-made dwelling we would expect to find in the Third Circle of a modern day retelling of the Inferno, where a continuous vile rain of lies, bombs and vapid depictions of the future, constantly assail the inhabitants.

Don’t get me wrong, as much as things are messed up, I still don’t mind living here. I love being a second-class citizen that can be shot or incarcerated at any time for no real reason at all. I just don’t want to continue on like I don’t see what’s going on in front of me because of some propaganda the illiterate schmucks next to me swallowed hook, line, and sinker.

I want to call a spade a spade. I want to be able to chuckle where I hear statements like:

  1. The American Dream
  2. Truth, Justice and the American Way
  3. A Fair Trial
  4. Freedom for All
  5. I’m not in the mood now,Maybe tomorrow night…?

Because I know they are bullshit, because she’s never in the mood. I digress. If I wanted to be lied to I would proposition the Octomom for sex and not look surprise when she guarantees that I will feel something, when I enter into the right shoulder of that that underpass she calls a vagina (It was amazingly able to rapid-fire 8 children unceremoniously into a dying planet.)

The election boils down to the Robert Frost poem: Fire and Ice:

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
dl-308_1zdownload (13)Each candidate is made into the other’s polar opposite, and each has a vision of how humanity’s existence should end. And the voting public decides how best as a collective they would like to meet their demise. Some argue for fire, some for ice, and no one sees that  we don’t have to resign ourselves to a nihilistic fate because in the end like the new brand of sexual lubricant/condoms on our shelves, whether your choose fire or ice your generally getting fucked on voting day aka America’s Date Night
I’am very cynical. I voted for who I thought would plunge me into a world of less suffering and that is sad. I kind of feel ashamed. The more I read history the more I feel that political discourse does nothing to effectuate change only consolidate  minute changes within the status quo. When enough people felt that any issue: albeit slavery, gay marriage, women’s suffrage, etc was important and worth getting beat up enough over the government swoops in and gives us a day off or a statue and empty speeches. The real elements of change come from always a handful of people not the lords that surreptitiously watch their every move not the forked-tongued adverts, slogans, message their campaign managers use to goad us into decisions.

I am optimistic about the future, but not so much about voting in the same way that I feel that I am above being enslaved by my sexual urges but still keep that $50 tucked away in my wallet. But we shall see, Im pretty sure I will vote again, but ultimately I still feel that:

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