In light of recent events, I wont be shutting this Blog down

A few months ago, I was close to done writing on ASpoonfulOfSuga. Since that time Donald J Trump has become President-Elect hate crimes are up 115% in my beloved NYC, and if current estimates are any indication there have been approximately 900 hate crimes committed since President Elect Trump won  the electoral college vote.

hate-crimes-election-evening-news-2016-11-19If overt racism and xenophobia where a train, then this historic subway line has been given new revamped above ground routes. The cherry on top of this cake has been the denial of the existence of facts which may in my estimation have launched an era where both facts and truth are forced to take a back seat to the oftentimes baseless, misconstrued and/or surreptitious narrative that they are conscripted to help promulgate.

This sadly is and has been my America, just turned up a bit. I had created a new blog, and a medium account to write more seriously about the current times and I plan on continuing to do so, but I will write here as well. I would love to hear from you all about how you’ve been and what did you think about the election and its aftermath



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