It Took Two Days for a Random Muslim to Get Assaulted in Boston, Please Retweet

k-bigpicA Palestinian woman said she was assaulted while taking a late morning stroll with her baby daughter and friend by a man who accused her of being a terrorist. We thought someone would’ve been publicly attacked and berated for secretly planning the Boston Marathon bombings within hours of the explosions, but nope — racists managed to contain themselves for two days. Bravo.

Heba Abolaban told Malden Patch that she and her friend, both wearing hijabs, were walking with their kids when a white male in his thirties punched her left shoulder and began shouting at them:

“He was screaming ‘F___ you Muslims! You are terrorists! I hate you! You are involved in the Boston explosions! F___ you!’” Abolaban remembered. “Oh my lord, I was extremely shocked.”

Taken from Jezebel


Bangladeshi man beaten at Applebee’s in ‘revenge attack’ over Boston Marathon bombings


A Bangladeshi man has claimed he was beaten at a New York City Applebee’s in retaliation for the Boston Marathon bombings – because of the color of his skin. Abdullah Faruque, 30, says that he was heading out of the restaurant to smoke a cigarette when he noticed a group of Hispanic men who had been at the bar followed him out.They then confronted him.  He told the New York Post: ‘One of the guys asked if I was Arab. I just shook my head, said like, “Yeah, whatever.”‘ Mr Faruque said that when he tried to go back inside Applebee’s, one of the men said, ‘Yeah, he’s a f***ing Arab,’ and they attacked, beating him about the head and body.


Monday was a difficult day not just for America but for the world. Any time innocents die in the world we as a global community lose out. As an American my immediate sentiments are that we should act in such a way to honour those who have died, and those who are suffering now with the right action. While this sounds like another platitude echoed by countless news-people, I really believe that we should look hard at the suffering caused by the events in Boston. Indirectly that would mean that for me,(another no name blogger) the most important  action for us as  nation and global community, is to look and internalize what has transpired. This I am sure, will be an unpopular course of event. There is a need for justice, there is a need to make sense of these events, there is a need for action.

I remember the environment in NYC a day after 9/11. There was such an outpouring of love from the world to NYC, from NY’er to NY’er. It was a rather tender moment for me, because for once I could visibly see and participate in actions socially that challenged my cynicism about people coming together and a possibility for racial acceptance and religious tolerance. That moment was short-lived unfortunately. Soon Americans citizen of Middle Eastern decent across America were the targets of hate crimes. Whatever love was given was all to soon gone. Ten years later America as a whole is still recovering not just from the events of 9/11, but from how we chose to respond to the tragedy on our home turf. Two wars, trillions in debt, soldiers losing their homes and coping with PTSD, a great divide economic divide further marginalization of Muslims not to mention Americans of Middle Eastern decent, (to name a few) are some of the many pressing issues we do not have a handle on.

A Personal Lesson Learned

While I will be the first to admit that I do not know how to keep a nation state, I cannot,like many other Americans, help wondering if the two wars and all their political, financial, economic, and diplomatic ramifications worth it ? What have we learned as a nation after 9/11 ?

I will tell you what I have learned over this past decade. I have seen that (especially after the wake of the most recent presidential election) Americans are too divided  to come together for an extended period of time. I feel we have reduced a  person to just simple instruments to be used for the attainment of ideological goals. Before one is a republican or democrat or libertarian, American or , black white, latino, or whatever other label we like to use, one is a person.  The Saudi national who was initially considered a suspect is a human being too. The Sikh person in your neighbourhood is a person. The Mexican Guy who may be cutting your grass is human being.  The Muslimah that sports the hijab is a person.  Surprising so these people may even be American like you or I which means we share an ideology and a vision.

Of course this is idealistic. Behind the sarcastic statements, the cynical quips, I am a idealist. I am a positive person.  There will always be those amongst us who will will seek to disrupt us, to take from us the most precious things like our sense of security, the want to engage with our fellow human beings and country man, and sadly as the explosion in Boston have shown even our lives.  History is littered with heinous acts, but if we look close enough we will see so many instances of self-sacrifice and benevolence.

An Important Anniversary

Tuesday April 16 was an important anniversary to me. Fifty one years ago on that day  MLK wrote  his letter from Birmingham Jail. That letter has always been a point of inspiration for me. It gave a voice to a sentiment I hold deeply, specifically that we can today with a greater sense of urgency and determination work to make a better America. The bombings in Boston are an opportunity for us to come together as a nation and talk about the human issues we are all facing.

I feel that it was irresponsible for a memo to the New York Post and other media outlets to tell people top be on the lookout for out for “dark-skinned” suspects. I feel, rather I am certain that the news is working people up to a frenzy. The president in a recent speech praised Boston for overcoming the face of evil.. But if Muslims are being attacked have we really overcome the face of evil or have we just brought out another evil face. Fire cannot be fought with fire. We need to change of view on things, we need to deliberate a little more as a whole before anyone else gets heckled or beaten up for being of middle Eastern descent. We need to recognize that  while their existU.S. Muslims mobilize to prevent Boston backlash

It’s a familiar race against time for Muslim groups. Almost as soon as the smoke cleared around Copley Square, they knew from long experience that some would immediately point the finger of blame in their direction.

Still, conservative columnist and Fox News guest Erik Rush quickly sent out tweets blaming Muslims, adding in one, “Let’s kill them,” a post he subsequently deleted. “Jihad in America,” wrote anti-Muslim blogger Pam Geller. Speaking about the bombings on his ”700 Club” program, Pat Robertson was also furious: “Don’t talk to me about religion of peace” – the way Muslims describe their faith – “No way.” On his show, conservative host Glenn Beck opined that “no American citizen blows up random people; that’s a Middle Eastern scene, that’s not an American scene. When our crazies go off, they target the government, not streets that are crowded with people.”

Final Words

While it’s difficult thing to do i will be writing about the ramification of the Boston as I see them in my life with the hope of generating actual discussion instead of hate-speak/News-Speak and double talk. Probably also when all is said and done I will go to Boston and lay soem flowers down , anyone who wants to join is welcome.

Martin-Luther-King-Jr-9365086-2-402Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial “outside agitator” idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds.




  1. It would seem that we need another Dr. King — on for the 21st Century.

    I love how guys like Glenn Beck conveniently “forget” about Oklahoma City.


  2. There is a well known strategy called ‘Divide and Conquer’. Every time some ignorant, testosterone fueled idiot assaults someone just because that person happens to be Muslim, they are playing into the terrorists hands. Make the US hate Muslims and you destroy unity of purpose. AND, with every racial retaliation, you make ordinary, peaceful, non-violent Muslims angry at the injustice. In time, those Muslims may become terrorists themselves, furthering the destruction from within.

    If the US falls, it won’t be from an external enemy. It will be from the divisive hatred within.


    • I couldn’t agree more. Although the US pretends to be a free and non-rascist country, I think laws that prevent gay marriage, giving groups like the KKK and westboro baptist church the right to exist and plenty more examples show otherwise. In my opinion even an event like ‘black history month’ stimulates diversity and in turn, discrimination. It is positive discrimination after all. In my opinion.

      There’s way to much focus on differences. Not only in the US, but everywhere in the world.


      • I totally agree with you Daan. It wears me down at times to be honest. What kills me is the indifference people have to what’s happening right in front of their face. Like if you speak up about it you’re a problem. Thanks for your comment man, It been a while is life treating you well


      • No problem, man. Have had a lot on my plate the last few months. But it turned out well: finished my book, selling my house and moving back to the civilized world (AMSTERDAM!!! or at least, next to it :P) and I’m going back to school in september.

        The first few months of this year have been rough, but like I said, some good things have come out of it.

        How about you?


      • best of luck with the move & the house selling and starting school again!!! What will you be studying ? Sometimes I feel like life treats me like a baby treats a diaper. Other times I think its ok. It’s been a stressful time but a good time as well I don’t know how to explain I guess the closest analogy I can think of is are those moments of rough sex where pain and pleasure are indistinguishable or so I’ve been told. I’m in along term relationship so sex is a dream a fictitious past time. lol crazy analogy.

        Congrats on the book ! man this is def cause for celebration and drinks


      • Yeah, I’ve been getting drunk for a month already 😛

        Dude, I know what you mean. Life can be like rough sex with a crazy bitch sometimes. You know, when you’re “working” hard and she says things that’re just a terrible turn down. And you have to focus somewhere else to get back in action again. But, after a lot of hard work and blood, sweat and tears, it all explodes into a beautiful ending. 😉


      • And, by the way, I totally know what you mean with “if you speak up you’re a problem”. That’s something that I have only met in three places in the world: Bulgaria, Groningen (where I live now) and US (I’ve never been there, but I’ve communicated with a lot of US-people while working in Amsterdam and through blogging).

        It’s the craziest thing.


      • one of these days you should visit the US if you come to NY I can give you the low down on some stuff that the tourist don’t know about. The US is a strange place. I like your new layout , Did you do away with the Ifkknrokk ? I have poetry blog too I got to send you the link sometimes, I poetry drunkenness and the need to speak out about stuff they always go so well together, like rough sex and crazy bitches


      • Honestly (and people don’t troll me for this) I don’t really like the US. In my days working at the Airport I’ve spoken to so many people from all the corners of the world. Take any continent and I’ve talked to one or two assholes from there. But take the US and there were only two nice people. Together with everything I’ve seen in the news and the things I read on American blogs (besides yours and 8 or 9 others) my opinion isn’t so high of the American continent, except for South American – most people I know from there are awesome.

        So, at first, I don’t really feel a need to go to the US. But, perhaps, I might pop over for a visit one day … If I have the money for it 😉


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