MrMary on Blogging: Effectuate change, dick jokes or both – My Responce to Daan’s Departure

Effectuate change, dick jokes or both

Bloggers can do much to effectuate change in the world and I wonder aside from the joking around is there anything more to blogging ?

The idea that everyone is their own brand makes me sick. A brand is something to be sold  something being buy into and invest in. It is  a product of a capitalistic mindset. I create a smartly packaged  product (my thoughts) and sell it to people. After it gains some popularity I invite other people to invest in it (with comments and reblogs) and I lend my “fame” to make that person popular ( directing my readership  to visit their site) That’s the bare bones process. I suspect because I am quite cynical, the discussions, that come from this set up are neutered in that they lack anything “living in them that can effectuate change”. – (There is more to it than this of course but Ill write about that in another post.)

However there is another side to it. Many of us come here from the trials and tribulations of our day and we need to relax. We need some sort of human interaction.  So we come online we visit our favorite bloggers we talk we interact leave salacious comments on each others blogs. And I cannot help but wonder,  how engaged should each of us be in talking about the social crises of the world ?  I think that this has to be answered on a case by case basis. I personally am sometimes serious, and am sometimes, sarcastic and sybaritical in my style of expression, other times I am  all over the place. I am here as  I am in real life. For instance I wrote a lot about the Trayvon Martin case and I have also written a post about channeling the of General Sherman in his total  warfare campaign when approaching cunnilingus for the first time. In effect this me all the fucking time, but I need another job so I cant but my real name here. For me as a blogger what counts in the type of responses I get from you the reader.  I don’t write for reblogs or likes, I write to share with you. I hope my blog never really gets popular so I can keep talking with you all. That is what this Greatest Moment in Blog History Series on this blog is all about. It is a bombastically satirical declaration of the fact that I am person who wants to talk and share with other people about what is going on in the world around me and of course the contents of my own silly thoughts as encapsulated by this following picture.

Admit it You like the Fat Powerlifter look

Daan and His Departure

If you don’t know Daan you’re missing out. This is not a recommendation for his blog which is a great blog, this is me David saying something nice about a real person who just so happens to be a blogger. He is leaving the blogsophere, you can read about it here. Let me share one poignant part of his blog post:

I started this blog to inspire, educate and, perhaps, help someone. To make people think about what’s happening around them and in the world today, through poetryshort storiesflash-fiction and, occasionally, a personal post. The problem with owning a blog is: you can’t control what sort of people you attract and you can’t punch those that annoy you.The trolls know that. On the internet they can be the man (or woman) they never could be in real life. I usually ignore these people, or I set them straight, after which they usually (sort of) apologize, but if I was able to teleport myself  to each of their faces, I promise you, hospitals worldwide would be having capacity problems.

I read their blogs and all I see is a little, insecure person adding layer after layer and lie after lie to their empty core, pretending they have some sort of dignity and principles, when all they really want is attention. To feed their insecurity. And they succeed. Their veiled self-glorification actually brings them readers.

It sickens me.

This world is already filled with masses paying attention to the wrong things and all these fools are doing is adding to the noise and distracting the people from the actual issues. Nobody gives a shit about the thousands of people that die every day, because they have no food or water. Nobody gives a shit about the children that built the very laptop I’m typing on right now for 5 cents an hour.

My thoughts

When I look at human history there have been individuals who through personal effort and being at the right place at the right time have effectuated a change that has moved people and turned civilization in one direction or another. I doubt there will ever be a time and I hope, I’m proven wrong, where everyone is so conscious and aware but more so empathetic to the different causes that affect people around them. Utopia’s don’t exist even in our minds. The internet is a facsimile of the real world. It’s a place where illicit activity go one, it is a place where horrible transactions are made, and its a place where the venom of our everyday struggles in the real world make a home for themselves. My take was always to make a few but significant connects to the people that cross my path.

Daan has pointed to a real truth, that many people have stated before: that human beings cannot stand much reality or that in many cases we choose to keep ourselves blissfully ignorant rather than accept the world and our role in its present state. That I don’t think is gonna be fixed any time soon.  It part of the existential crisis we face when we choose to either contionue to wallow in our own sociological and personal excrementfiguratively or to inform ourselves and our enrich our experiences of the world and its denizens. I am sad to see Daan go honestly. It makes me want to go to, because sometimes it’s get nauseatingly ridiculous seeing the same bullshit Daan talks mentions day after day. Actually I have often wondered could I make better use of my time writing for my own publications? Daan will be sorely missed (like how I was by my prom date- sorely). I wish him all the best in his endeavors and look forward to what he creates next. I know it will be impactful, a work of passion , moving, at times light-hearted, far-reaching in its scope just like Daan himself. I hope he comes back to write more but I can tell the conviction in his tone that it probably wont happen.

So to Daan, You will be missed, and you’re always welcome here, much love





  1. I’m enamored with your photograph darling. Thank you for the pingback. You know I like to tell it like it is, no matter how ugly the truth may be. That night, and many after were not very fucking pretty. Such is life. We learn from it and move the hell on. I hope you’re well sweetie. I hope NYC is as loud and vibrant as ever. If I ever get there, I’m going to visit you and share a drink. Of Diet Coke of course. The stronger stuff makes do some pretty stupid shit.

    Love, Renee


  2. Dude, thank you for this ode to me. Haha. It is an absolute honor.

    “human beings cannot stand much reality or that in many cases we choose to keep ourselves blissfully ignorant rather than accept the world and our role in its present state.”

    That sentence captures my pain perfectly. We have been so anesthetized, by our daily, useless activities, that we have become incapable of accepting to take part in a durable society. Besides that we don’t WANT to make a change for the better.

    Like I said: Ignorance isn’t the problem, it’s motivation. We have become used to our lazy, easy lives, and we don’t know what it’s like to fight. We have become afraid of fight, while that’s a normal part of nature. But by labeling it as savage, or barbaric, we’ve become so manipulated into thinking that’s bad. It’s not, fight is good, and it always will be. The only reason why nowadays people fight for bad reasons, is due to everything we created: money, greed, politics, etc. It’s frustration and helplessness, because of a system you have become a victim off and you have no control over. Or greed.

    You say: “I don’t think it will change anytime soon.” And it won’t, not if someone doesn’t do something about it. Change doesn’t just happen. Change is made. I don’t know how yet, but I will figure out a way.

    Thanks again, and we’ll keep in touch.


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