Jocular Look @ The Day’s News || Rich can pretend they’re poor in vacation ‘shanty town’

Aside from authenticity and self-respect, it seems that money can buy you almost anything. The five-star Emoya Luxury Hotel and Spa in South Africa has created an emulation of a poverty-stricken village so that wealthy clients can pretend they’re poor “within the safe environment of a private game reserve.” The fake shanty town comes complete with colorful iron shacks, outdoor bathrooms and battery-operated radios. (There are heated floors and Wi-Fi.)


Ok so let me get this straight. In a world with an ever growing divide between the rich and poor, in a world where equality and fairness are quixotic ideas never to be striven for, some ego-inflated prick or  bunch of pricks decided to enter the poverty tourism game by building a simulacrum of a poverty stricken shanty town probably not to far from actual shanty town?

I am not surprised. There are myths going around that say that poverty is the fault of individuals , subsequently the government cannot and should not shine their largesse down on the folks who will only put themselves in such deplorable conditions. Instead we should spend money on the rich (job creators) and their companies.

Btw here is an interesting headline:

workersfactory_0Bangladeshi garment workers, lowest paid in the world at $0.21/hour, torch 10-story factory at Gazipur + 15 full garment trucks. No human casualties, $100 million losses to the owners. The nation’s $20-billion industry has come under increasing scrutiny since the Rana Plaza factory fire in 2012 that killed over 1,100 people who toiled for poverty wages. Workers have mobilized on the streets, calling for better wages and working conditions, and an end to the corporate indifference that allows the exploitation of human capital.

I will leave it at that. I’ve written a before about slum tourism:

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